Harmful Side Effects Of Mobile Phones

3 min readJul 8, 2021


You constantly look at it. When you aren’t around it, you feel anxious, and when you have it. Yes, we’re talking about your smartphone. And there are a handful of new syndromes that come with that addiction.


Using your phone too much can cause inflammation in your tendons and enhance existing conditions, like tendinitis and carpal tunnel. Similarly, Cell Phone Elbowyour non-stop smartphone has you feeling sore and weak, do some stretches. Put down the phone, then try bending your wrists backward, putting your hands together like a prayer, and pushing down.

Slouching over your phone for hours at a time is ruining your neck and hurting your back muscles.

According to a study of young adults in the U.K., 84% of those tracked experienced back pain during the last year, mainly due to being hunched over smartphones, tablets, and computers. Fixing your posture can relieve lower back pain, and limiting your phone use can alleviate neck strain.

Phantom Pocket Vibration Syndrome:

No, you get a text message! A professor at Indiana University found that 89% of the undergraduates in her study experienced phantom vibrations when their phones weren’t vibrating. The study also found that students who were dependent on text messages and social media updates were more anxious when their phones weren’t vibrating.


Excess messaging can lead to Teen Tendonitis. It causes pain in the hands, back, and neck due to poor posture.


Having a cell phone will tempt your teen to spend all day talking or texting instead of doing productive things. Studies have proven that teens who spend too much of their time with their cell phones are more prone to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Sleep loss:

Most teens keep their cell phones nearby while sleeping to respond to texts and calls and remain reachable around the clock. This may lead to sleep interruption and disruption.


Relying on texting as a primary mode of communication can increase anxiety in teens. Texting is instantly gratifying, but it also produces anxiety. The instant reply by a friend can bring joy and elation. But in case of delayed response or no response, this same pleasure can turn into disappointment. Also, cell phone addiction can turn into an obsession to check messages and reply immediately

Vision problems:

Increased use of cell phones is said to cause vision problems in teenagers. As per a study conducted on 30 medical students, 83% of them were found to have cell phone vision syndrome

