positivity and mental health

2 min readJul 13, 2021


Positive Attitude Can Improve Their Mental Health:
Approximately one in five Americans suffer from a mental health issue like anxiety or depression at any given time. While a positive outlook can’t prevent all mental health conditions, it can reduce your risk of developing depression and anxiety. One reason for this is that by focusing on the good things that happen, you naturally spend less time dwelling on the bad things and ruminating about the less pleasant part of life.
People with a more positive mindset are also likely to use healthy coping mechanisms rather than rely on substance use/abuse or overeating to deal with setbacks.
If you do develop depression or anxiety and you have cognitive behavioral therapy, your therapist will likely walk you through ways that you can focus on some of the positives of whatever situations you are dealing with. If you do this as a matter of habit, it can make overcoming these mental health issues easier and allow you to recover more quickly
Some mental health benefits:

More creativity
Greater problem-solving skill
Clearer thinking
Better mood
Better coping skills
Less depression

A Positive Attitude Improves Your Physical Health:

People who have a positive attitude get better sleep, eat better, and exercise more than those who have a negative attitude. All of these self-care activities lend to better physical and mental health. For example, sleep deficiency can be linked to anxiety, and getting enough exercise has been proven to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Some physical benefits:
Longer life span
Lower chance of having a heart attack
Better physical health
Greater resistance to illness such as the common cold
Lower blood pressure
Better stress management
Better pain tolerance

How to Practice Positive Thinking:
Smile more. In a study, people who smiled (or even fake-smiled) while doing a stressful task felt more positive afterward than those who wore a neutral expression. You’ll benefit more if the smile is genuine, though.
Reframe your situation. When something bad happens that’s out of your control, instead of getting upset, try to appreciate the good parts of the situation.

Picture your best possible future. Think in detail about a bright vision for your future — career, relationships, health, hobbies — and write it down. When you imagine your life going well, research suggests,
you’ll be happier in the present.

